Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee


—Individualized networking service
for finding the right community.


Solo Project


Visual Design,

UI & UX Design


9 Weeks


FIgma, Adobe Suite

Jitter, Protopie


—Individualized networking service
for finding the right community.


Solo Project


Visual Design,

UI & UX Design


9 Weeks


FIgma, Adobe Suite

Jitter, Protopie


—Individualized networking service
for finding the right community.


Solo Project


Visual Design,

UI & UX Design


9 Weeks


FIgma, Adobe Suite

Jitter, Protopie


—Individualized networking service
for finding the right community.


Solo Project


Visual Design,

UI & UX Design


9 Weeks


FIgma, Adobe Suite

Jitter, Protopie


—Individualized networking service
for finding the right community.


Solo Project


Visual Design,

UI & UX Design


9 Weeks


FIgma, Adobe Suite

Jitter, Protopie


Streamlining shared expense management

i-teria is a new take on networking & employment discovery. The app, driven by user-curated opportunities makes job searching and connections exceptionally personalized.

The app seeks to create a inclusive and vibrant community where local users can discover, engage, and belong to communities that align with their specific interests, passions, and lifestyles.

For your well-being in the workplace.

Splash Screen


Have you heard of
"Going Dutch..?"

Originating from Dutch etiquette, “Dutchpay” is a common term in South Korea for splitting bills. During my time studying abroad in Seoul, I was introduced to a unique perspective on collectively sharing expenses. This wasn't just a financial arrangement; it was a way of life that minimized financial burdens on any single individual. Whether sharing the cost of a meal at a bustling restaurant, divvying up rent among roommates, or managing group travel expenses, the need for an efficient and user-friendly solution became evident.

Target Audience.

Identifying the main user demographics...

Though sharing expenses occur regardless of age, gender, societal class, and groups, I wanted to focus on two specific groups that face common challenges related to managing finances, splitting bills, and maintaining financial balance.

Early Findings.

Source: CreditCards.com

Newpoll survey of 1000 Americans

I began to draw from statistics and trends related to the target audience and their financial behaviors—

Studies show that as a young adult, you have an even higher chance of a bad experience with money settlement due to various factors such as limited financial experience and exposure.

User Analysis.

Breaking down into user segments ↘

I broke down the target audience into user segments based on the criteria given. Below are common situational groups so individual characteristics aren't too significant.

User Research.

I wanted to hear from the users themselves.

Qualitative Data

I conducted interviews with 20 individuals from ages 18-28. I asked a range of open-ended questions to delve into their financial behaviors, as well as their preferences regarding bill splitting and expense management.

To get a better understanding of user needs, lets take a look at some insightful user stories shared

Quantitative Data

I further collected measurable data from surveys to support my research with results that are quantifiable.

+15 questions

Q: What is the biggest challenge you face when splitting expenses?

85% of people use apps to share costs and send money between friends and 60% of those have admit that they find it difficult to navigate the app’s interface.

Key findings & Affinity Mapping.

Affinity mapping helped me organize various concepts that emerged from user research. I visually grouped related ideas, pain points, and user needs, providing a clear and structured overview of the user-centric aspects.

Efficiency & Time Optimization

Users want a seamless and quick user experience, minimizing tedious steps.

Frustrations & Challenges

Users struggle with complicated calculations and having to put in excessive effort to track expenses.


Users wish for intuitive tools for different occasions and want to stay updated with chnages.

Human/Social Factors

Users seek transparency and want to avoid confusion, potentially straining relationships with friends.

User Persona.

Understanding Our Audience…

This was a crucial step to prioritize features, functionality, and design elements based on the needs of our audience and serve as a reference point when designing.

Competitive Analysis.

First, what are others doing?

I analyzed the 3 most popular bill-splitting apps in the market to determine which features are most appreciated and to identify their shortcomings. Though each has its pros & cons, most lacked features that could easily accommodate to any situation given, causing users to resort to manual calculations. This presented an opportunity for a solution.


Pinpointing key features ↘

Through all the user research and analysis, I was able to distill the gathered insights into 3 pivotal features our users would highly value for their optimal user experience.

Information Architecture.

Design System.

Thinking about adaptability...

With various screen sizes and platforms being used, logos can't be designed with a one-size-fits-all approach anymore. Logos must be flexible in terms of size, intricacy, and arrangement to seamlessly adjust to their placement within different environments and contexts thus, I created three different responsive logos.

Responsive Logotype

Design/Brand library

Wireframe ⟶ Hi-fidelity Screens.

To help illustrate the user flow and navigation within the product, I visualized design solutions before they are fully developed.

+48 screens

User Interface.


A way of visual storytelling...

These screens are the first things users see when they launch the app and is responsible for presenting the most important functions/aspects of Dutchee. I took this opportunity to paint a picture using fun illustrations and compelling captions.

Sign Up.

Quick, but Secure.

During user research, interviewees voiced their wishes for a swift onboarding process without cumbersome steps to onboard the application. I minimized the amount of manual info collected through bank identity verification.

Fast Access.

There are several ways to quickly start a shared expense.

Split Bill.

Users desired flexible splitting options to accommodate different scenarios, but not an overwhelming array like 'Splitwise' offers, where many choices go unused. Here, it allows you to split bills equally or into different portions.

Split by Items.

Convenience & accuracy…

For those times when you want to calculate each person's fair share. You can input items manually, or scanning a check will conveniently automate your bill to avoid mistakes on your end.

Assign items to each participant, review and edit the check, choose a target date, then send it off! You can add a note as well. Participants will be able to view any details of the check ensuring financial transparency for everyone.


Dutchee keeps a comprehensive record of all activity including settlements. Easily track payment status as well as complete a request & send a friendly reminder. Interviewees wanted to be able to send friendly reminders for unsettled debt so it doesn’t result to delays and frustrations.


Users voiced difficulty coordinating and splitting expenses during group activities with multiple expenses. With 'Groups', you can create and manage multiple groups, keeping track of all ongoing expenses, so you can enjoy your time without worrying!



Thinking about accessibility...

To allow accessibility upon all users, I followed WCAG standards for recommended text sizes, spacing, and contrast ratios using the help of Figma’s accessibility tools.


If I had more time...

I would invest more time in comprehensive usability testing & A/B testing to fine-tune the app and validate design decisions. It would really add a sense of ownership and improved satisfaction for my app.

What I learned...

I learned the importance of thoroughly understanding users' needs and pain points, going beyond, by looking and listening through an empathetic lens to achieve user-centric design.

© 2023 Crafted with love by Emily Gayoun Lee