Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee

Emily Gayoun Lee

Beryl Labs

— Leading UIUX for company's first
fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician,

Data Scientist, Director, Market & Analytics Team


UIUX Designer


Aug 2023 ~ Present


FIgma, Google Suite,


Beryl Labs

— Leading UIUX for company's first
fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician,

Data Scientist, Director, Market & Analytics Team


UIUX Designer


Aug 2023 ~ Present


FIgma, Google Suite,


Beryl Labs

— Leading UIUX for company's first
fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician,

Data Scientist, Director, Market & Analytics Team


UIUX Designer


Aug 2023 ~ Present


FIgma, Google Suite,


Beryl Labs

— Leading UIUX for company's first
fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician,

Data Scientist, Director, Market & Analytics Team


UIUX Designer


Aug 2023 ~ Present


FIgma, Google Suite,


Beryl Labs

— Leading UIUX for company's first
fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician,

Data Scientist, Director, Market & Analytics Team


UIUX Designer


Aug 2023 ~ Present


FIgma, Google Suite,



Beryl Labs (BL) is the first data intelligence startup within The Beryl Consulting Group that structures and enriches complex public and alternative data to deliver decision-making intelligence to hedge fund, private equity managers and institutional investors.

As a solo designer on the small but dynamic team, I developed the first foundational design system with visual guidelines, brand identity and component library. I conducted heuristic analysis on existing wireframes to re-design the platform's architecture for better user flow as well as own a new checkout feature from start to finish.

While we were preparing for the launch of our new platform for the following year, I developed an internal design system for use across all channels because everything was decentralised and not cohesive.

Well.. Where to even begin..?


A new marketplace platform in the making…

When I was dropped into the project, Beryl Labs was quite only in its baby stage of development without much of a project structure in place. I was handed a pretty ambiguous brief of basic functions along with a couple of rough sketches.

There was NO design system in place…

Early Findings.

Source: CreditCards.com

Newpoll survey of 1000 Americans

I first began to draw from statistics related to the target audience and their financial behaviors—

Studies show that as a young adult, you have an even higher chance of a bad experience with money settlement due to various factors such as limited financial experience and exposure.

Stakeholder Interview.

Breaking down into user segments ↘

I broke down the target audience into user segments based on the criteria given. Below are common situational groups so individual characteristics aren't too significant.

User interface at a glance.


A way of visual storytelling...

These screens are the first things users see when they launch the app and is responsible for presenting the most important functions/aspects of Dutchee. I took this opportunity to paint a picture using fun illustrations and compelling captions.

User Research.

I wanted to hear from the users themselves.

Qualitative Data

I conducted interviews with 20 individuals from ages 18-28. I asked a range of open-ended questions to delve into their financial behaviors, as well as their preferences regarding bill splitting and expense management.

To get a better understanding of user needs, lets take a look at some insightful user stories shared

Quantitative Data

I further collected measurable data from surveys to support my research with results that are quantifiable.

+15 questions

Q: What is the biggest challenge you face when splitting expenses?

85% of people use apps to share costs and send money between friends and 60% of those have admit that they find it difficult to navigate the app’s interface.

Key findings & Affinity Mapping.

Affinity mapping helped me organize various concepts that emerged from user research. I visually grouped related ideas, pain points, and user needs, providing a clear and structured overview of the user-centric aspects.

Efficiency & Time Optimization

Users want a seamless and quick user experience, minimizing tedious steps.

Frustrations & Challenges

Users struggle with complicated calculations and having to put in excessive effort to track expenses.


Users wish for intuitive tools for different occasions and want to stay updated with chnages.

Human/Social Factors

Users seek transparency and want to avoid confusion, potentially straining relationships with friends.

Competitive Analysis.

Hold on. First, what are others doing?

I analyzed the 3 most popular bill-splitting apps in the market to determine which features are most appreciated and to identify their shortcomings. Though each has its pros & cons, most lacked features that could easily accommodate to any situation given, causing users to resort to manual calculations. This presented an opportunity for a solution.

Information Architecture.

Design System.

Thinking about adaptability...

With various screen sizes and platforms being used, logos can't be designed with a one-size-fits-all approach anymore. Logos must be flexible in terms of size, intricacy, and arrangement to seamlessly adjust to their placement within different environments and contexts thus, I created three different responsive logos.

Responsive Logotype

Design/Brand library

Wireframe ⟶ Hi-fidelity Screens.

To help illustrate the user flow and navigation within the product, I visualized design solutions before they are fully developed.

+48 screens


Being mindful about accessibility...

To allow accessibility upon all users, I followed WCAG standards for recommended text sizes, spacing, and contrast ratios using the help of Figma’s accessibility tools.

Beryl Consulting Group

— Leading user experience for company's
first fin-tech startup and socials rebrand.


Lead Technician, Director,

Market & Analytics team


UIUX, Content Design,



Platform visibility limited under NDAs.

Beryl Labs
—SaaS B2B Data Marketplace

Our ingredients, just the way we found them—

Beryl Labs (BL) is the first data intelligence startup within The Beryl Consulting Group that structures and enriches complex public and alternative data to deliver decision-making intelligence to hedge fund, private equity managers and institutional investors.

As the first designer on the small but dynamic team, I'm responsible for all the UI decisions for the platform including building the first foundational design system with visual guidelines, brand identity and component library. I conducted heuristic analysis on existing wireframes to re-design the platform's architecture for better user flow and navigational efficiency.

I'm currently working closely with the marketing & analytics team and stakeholders to gather constructive feedback and strike a balance between user needs and business requirements, aligning with the product vision. 

Socials Content
Rebrand & Design

Our ingredients, just the way we found them—

I led the rebrand of the company social visuals with carefully curated content to transform and redefine our social image and resonate with our target audience. Here are some snippets of the crafted content.


If I had more time...

I would invest more time in comprehensive usability testing & A/B testing to fine-tune the app and validate design decisions. It would really add a sense of ownership and improved satisfaction for my app.

What I learned...

I learned the importance of thoroughly understanding users' needs and pain points, going beyond, by looking and listening through an empathetic lens to achieve user-centric design.

© 2023 Crafted with love by Emily Gayoun Lee